Who uses those things and when? We imagined busy business people in skyscrapers or doctors on their way through ER, just like our uncle. Sometimes curious gadgets made their way to us through my dad’s cousin in the UK, our uncle - precursors to mobile phones, these things were fascinating in their form and utterly opaque in their function.
Always at the forefront of new tech and a geek to his core, my dad loves interacting with any new gadget that will come across his perimeter and always manages to integrate it in his daily business.
At some point we had a desktop computer with a huge CRT monitor which was a part of my mum’s work station and a Hewlett Packard laptop of my dad’s. Most kids didn’t have computers at home, let alone laptops. This was before the iPhone, before smartphones, before LTE and before everything - at least in early 2000s Bulgaria, screen time was something you get as a treat, and that’s if you’re lucky. When I was growing up, my parents set up a rule for my brother and I - 30 minutes of screen tim e per day, not more.